Trading Fours Along the Yackingitup“All things change, nothing is extinguished. . . There is nothing in the whole world which is permanent. Everything flows onward; all…Dec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
Sealing the Sectors of Three Days After WhatAn examination of Karen Haber’s science fiction short story, “Three Days After,” by J.T. Dockery. For those arriving here independently…May 21, 2021May 21, 2021
Sexton Ming, Our Kenttucky Pussy & MeNew book from Nix Comics by Sexton Ming & J.T. Dockery available for pre-order ow through August 2nd, 2019: right HERE, rockers!Jul 25, 2019Jul 25, 2019
The Smacks! At 20 (With A Side-Order Of Hasil Adkins)Smacks! celebrate surviving 20 years; pay tribute to their late friend, Hasil AdkinsMay 2, 2018May 2, 2018
Sketches from Kentucky: A Tribute to Sam Shepard“The most beautiful order of the world is still a random gathering of things insignificant in themselves.”Feb 5, 2018Feb 5, 2018
Where We Are and What Might We Be: Engaging Philip K. Dick with Gary Panterby J.T. DockeryJan 7, 2017Jan 7, 2017
Matt Minter’s “Makeup Applied” at Institute 193: Dreams/Nightmares/Reality/Artifice in Late Period…Matt Minter has been chipping away at the philosopher’s stone of American culture with images and sound broadcasting from his remote…Sep 6, 2015Sep 6, 2015